S. B. Memorial School
An Institution of Aagosh Trust
To provide quality, creative education to children in this remote part of India to equip them to become responsible citizens who contribute to the building of this great nation.
Provide equal opportunity to all children, irrespective of caste, creed or gender, to receive quality value education, enhance their learning ability, develop their God-given gifts, talents & abilities and help build self-confidence and determination to become worthy and responsible citizens who would contribute to the building of this great nation.
Core Values
Our core values are based on role-modeling Jesus Christ as the ‘Master Teacher’, and we wish to reflect His teachings of love, kindness, endurance, perseverance, equality and truth in all that we seek to do at S. B. Memorial School.

About Us
S. B. Memorial School, the only English medium school in a remote hilly village of Himachal Pradesh, was on the verge of shutting down due to lack of funds. The local village Pradhan, school staff and parents were keen to prevent the school, a precious community resource, from closing down! Responding to the urgent community need, AAGOSH Trust stepped in to see if it could keep the school going. The school, which was orginally from Nursery to Class 5, has not only been ruuning succesfully for the past two years, but has also expanded to add three more classes. The school is now from Nursery to Class 8 with a total strength of 144 students and 13 staff. The school is affiliated to the Himachal Board of Education.
S. B. Memorial is a child friendly school, with a special focus on child protection and child well-being. The school aims to make learning fun and easy for the children and enable them to excel in different academic fields in order to become responsible citizens of India. The dedicated staff values each child and works towards providing an equal opportunity to all to develop their God-given potential to its fullest.
A Word from
The Principal
Therefore, we come up with a vision to foster different facets of students in order to see him/her developing as a vibrant student, responsible citizen. Our pedagogy is child centric, with emphasis on over-all growth and development of students.
The school website gives details of curriculum, co-curricular activities, games and sports, to ensure maximum participation by the students depending on their preferences. It also provides examination details, school rules and policies.
I am sure we will have a meaningful interaction with the school staff through this website, which is in fact a medium of communication between parents and the school.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Director and Management of Aagosh Trust, for their valuable support and guidance, as well as my team of teachers and staff of S. B. Memorial School, Andheri, for helping in every endeavour.
We welcome your interest in our school.
~ Surender Singh Kanth

The school runs from classes Nursery to 8. It is affiliated to the Himachal Board of School Education, Nahan; code DEE 00113. Syllabus & curriculum is followed as per the Board, but supplementary books are included to enhance the level of education. The curriculum is prepared so as to enable the students to take value-based positions & decisions.
Besides academics, sports is given equal importance for the overall development of the children.
The school follows a House System from class 2 onwards to encourage equal & active participation in Inter-House activities. Based on the Indian Tricolour, the houses are Shaurya (Saffron), Shanti (White), Samridhi (Green) & Pragiti (Blue).
Cultural Activities
Culture can be defined as the arts as well as the intangible shared beliefs, values, and practices of a community. The importance of social and cultural activities is preparing students for real life and strengthening their personal skills. Social/cultural activities give students the opportunity to be involved in culturally enriching activities & give the students with special talents a chance to extend themselves and grow in their area of expertise.
Creative Learning
Even though the school operates from an extremely rural setup, a lot of emphasis is given to creative education that enables students to use their imagination and critical thinking to create new & meaningful forms of ideas where they can take risks, be independant and flexible. Students learn to develop their ability to find various solutions to a problem and think out-of-the-box.

Keeping the Management, Staff & Students at the school in your thoughts and prayers, motivating & encouraging them from time to time.
Volunteering (short term, i.e., 3-6 months or long term i.e., 1 year or beyond) in an area of your expertise, while experiencing the rugged, rural hill life!
The entire education of one child comes up to barely Rs. 500/- per month or Rs. 6,000/- per year (approx. $7.5 per month or $90 per year). With your help, an opportunity is created for an underprivileged child to build his/her life, stand on their feet, and support their families eventually.
We are constantly on the look out for assistance in the following areas:
1. Computers, mouse, moniters, CPUs or any other equipment towards upgrading our Computer Labs.
2. Any kind of sports equipments.
3. Books for our library.
4. Furniture for classroms (tables, chairs, whiteboards, etc.)
5. Since we function from a rented building currently, we are also looking for help towards maintenance and upkeep of the buildings & infrastructure.
